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Press Kit

Terms & Conditions

By downloading the press kit, you are assumed to understand and agree to the following terms;


You understand that these files are still the legal property of Veronique J. Morais and you are not allowed to use them as you please.


1. Unauthorized Usage

You are not authorized to copy, modify, or redistribute this material outside the context of personal use or to write and publish a review specifically for "Lily of the Valley". Specifically, you are not authorized to use this material for AI training, or to sell it to a third party.


2. Authorized Usage

By agreeing to these terms, you are granted permission to use pictures and text samples to decorate the page of your news article or review, as long as it's related to Veronique J. Morais, or her works.


3. You must label any material used with an attribution to the author.

Please also include the copyright symbol to remind your users this material is not public domain.

Bellow is an example of what is expected.



Illustration by Veronique J. Morais, from the book "Lily of the Valley" © All rights reserved.

Press Kit Application Form

After applying for a press kit, it will be sent directly to your email!


If you wish to also get an ARC copy to review, please also apply to the ARC form.


Please take note that the ARC copy has a different set of terms.


Lily of the Valley ARC form

Thank you for applying to get a Press Kit!

Please check your e-mail, it should arrive soon.

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